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Vegan Hearty Parsnip Soup

Vegan Parsnip Soup for a cold hard day

This is probably the best pureed soup I have made in a long time.

Enjoyed this with some flax crackers for a late lunch after a brisk day in the garden.
Tonight I think I will have it with a simple lentils and brown rice.

3 large parsnips
1 large carrot
2 small yellow onions
4 cloves garlic
1 inch ginger
Sesame oil
1/2 cup fresh chopped spinach
4 Tablespoons ground walnuts
1/3 cup coconut mylk
1 cup water

Chop the veggies up into 1/2 pieces and cook all except the spinach in sesame oil til soft in a cast iron skillet.
Add the coconut mylk and let it simmer 10 – 15 more minutes.
In the food processor, chop the walnuts and then add the spinach.
Let the veggies cool and then add a cup or more of water to whiz them in with the spinach and nuts to fine puree.
Return to the pot to heat thru.

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